Men who workout
His idea of getting in shape is pumping iron - the more, the better. She'd rather pull out the yoga mat.
Vive La Difference
Motivation, the experts say, is one major fitness difference between the sexes.
Often, "men work out because they like to be bigger, " says Vincent Perez, PT, director of sports therapy at Columbia University Medical Center Eastside in New York. "Pecs, biceps, quads ? men are after bulk."
"Guys have an agenda, " adds Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Body-for-LIFE for Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation. "They have a specific goal, and there's always a number involved." She calls this the "Home Depot" approach to working out: "They have a blueprint and they just want to get it done."
For many men, "working out is a sport, and they do it because it's fun, it's competitive, and it's something that they've always done, " says Lori Incledon, author of "For women, fitness is a superficial issue. They do it because it will help them look better."
Men like to look like they've been working out, says Peeke, "the sweatier the better. When was the last time you heard a woman say she wanted to sweat?"
"Very rarely does anyone think about fitness like they should, which is just to stay healthy, " says Incledon.
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