Build your own workout rutine

Exercise Workout Routines

These results are incredible. But of course to achieve them, first we need an exercise plan that we’ll keep up. And whatever we choose, to give our plan the very best chance of lasting, we must begin with the mind.

Establishing, and sticking with one of the many intense workout routines available isn’t easy. It takes commitment, focus and motivation, plus patience, and willingness. And when we’re tired, busy or just can’t face another run in the rain, an untrained mind sets to work building these barriers. And guess what? Our exercise plan starts to slide…

But when our mind is strong, fit and healthy, we can stop obstacles like tiredness, or the weather, from blocking our goals. Our mind defines our relationships with our body, our approach to fitness, engagement with exercise, and ultimately, the way we apply this vitality to everyday life.

And this is why in exercise, mindfulness is so important.

Learn to overlook the barriers

Professor Judson Brewer, Medical Director of Therapeutic Neuroscience at Yale University Medical School, explains: “When we go to put our shoes for a run, the mind may say, “It’s cold, it’s raining, this is going to suck, and I can’t do it.” Mindfulness training helps us to recognize these are just thoughts dancing through our head. So, they become less ‘sticky’ and we’re less likely to flop back down on the sofa or watch TV.

“Learning to take these thoughts with a pinch of salt like this means that we can be less involved in thinking, and instead, get on with what we need to do.”

No wonder mindfulness is one of the hottest topics in neuroscience.

So, instead of an untrained mind’s preference to put up barriers, and put off until tomorrow, with regular mindfulness, we can recognize these are simply thoughts we can choose to overlook.

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