Top 10 Best Fat Burning

Best fat burning Workouts

The best workouts are always going to be those that consist of moves that engage multiple large muscle groups. You can easily take a simple, conventional toning move and turn it into something more efficient that gives you the most bang for your buck for every moment that you spend on your workout. While it takes a lot of different kinds of training to reach well rounded fitness (strength training, cardio, stretching, etc) total body strength training and HIIT (high intensity interval training) are best for burning off body fat quickly. Apply this concept to the exercises that make up your routines and they become dynamic, fat burning workouts. Here are the best examples of workout videos that put this principle to work.

Best Fat Burning Workout Videos

HIIT - High intensity interval training workouts use short bursts of very intense activity to bump up your metabolism, burn fat, and even build lean muscle to some extent - many of these require no equipment at all. Examples:

Total Body Strength Training - Lift heavily enough to challenge yourself and you will raise your metabolism around the clock, making it easier to stay lean. Examples:

HIIT and Strength Training Combined - HIIT and strength combinations to make for quick fitness gains and very sore muscles (in the best way possible). Examples:

Fitness Blender 1000 Calorie Workout Videos - A Fitness Blender Signature workout video; brutal workout videos that burn 1000 calories - for advanced exercisers only. Examples:

For example, consider the bicep curl. It is an extremely effective basic strength training or toning movement, however, 3 sets of them is not exactly going to crank up your calorie burning furnace or cancel out that cheeseburger and microbrew you had for dinner last night. Instead of isolating just the bicep, you could combine the move with a lunge to significantly boost the caloric burn, and simultaneously tone your lower body. Here are some of the best bodyweight-only exercises that use multiple muscle groups:

Top 10 Best Fat Burning Exercises

1 Burpees - This at home cardio move tones your core, upper body and legs all at once- it’s a triple threat exercise that everyone tends to dread for good reason; they are hard! But they also work.

2 umping Lunges - Lunges are a fantastic thigh toning exercise; add in the momentum required to jump up in between lunges and the move turns into an incredible calorie burner.

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